Slot Drainage Systems

  1. Stainless Steel Slot Drainage Systems
Slot Drainage Systems

Each Slot Drain system includes a specially designed cleaning kit specific to its application.

Slot Drain does not absorb water or contaminates and allows any solids to be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. The only part of Slot Drain that is exposed is the stainless steel surface which can be cleaned and sanitized in the same manner as your floor surface. Watch how easy it is to clean a Slot Drain System.

ACO Drain is the world's most globally recognized stainless steel and stainless trench drain systems. This elite status always makes ACO the first choice for prestigious projects in engineered water solutions. The case studies below gives designers, engineers and contractors confidence in using the world's best trench drain. Slot Drain® Systems presents a new way of looking at linear drainage. Eliminate the many components of traditional trench drains with a one-piece, sloped slot drain at a competitive price. Available in stainless steel, galvanized steel and fiberglass, Slot Drain® offers wide design options, excellence in sanitation and superior durability. High-performance, fiber-reinforced concrete, FILCOTEN by NDS trench drain system is a smart alternative to traditional concrete channel drains, designed to handle heavy loads in pre-sloped and neutral configurations. Trench Drain Systems. Catch Basins Frame & Grate Systems Linear Trench Drain Separators. Browse Zurn's trench drain solutions engineered for easy installation and cleaning. Our Trench Drain system is uniquely designed to install and perform like no other trench drains.

Slot drainage systems

Slot Drain has been installed successfully in hundreds of applications, satisfying customers and construction professionals alike.


Slot Drain is designed for numerous market sectors. Slot Drain is made to suit your special requirements. Slot Drain provides drainage solutions that are durable, sanitary, aesthetically appealing, easy to clean, load class rated, corrosion and temperature resistant, ADA Compliant and odour eliminating.

Landscape Architecture
Slot Drainage Systems

Before Slot Drain, grating, trench drains and four-sloped floors were the standards.

Stainless Steel Slot Drainage Systems

Slot Drain changed surface drainage forever by providing the first pre-sloped, prefabricated drain system. The linear slot eliminates traditional grates that can be weak, trap bacteria and are difficult to clean. Slot Drain is applicable wherever floor or ground surfaces are subject to fluids, or have frequent cleaning requirements.