Use The Word Slot In A Sentence

A preposition describes a relationship between other words in a sentence. In itself, a word like 'in' or 'after' is rather meaningless and hard to define in mere words. For instance, when you do try to define a preposition like 'in' or 'between' or 'on,' you invariably use your hands to show how something is situated in relationship to something else. Prepositions are nearly always combined with other words in structures called prepositional phrases. Prepositional phrases can be made up of a million different words, but they tend to be built the same: a preposition followed by a determiner and an adjective or two, followed by a pronoun or noun (called the object of the preposition). This whole phrase, in turn, takes on a modifying role, acting as an adjective or an adverb, locating something in time and space, modifying a noun, or telling when or where or under what conditions something happened.

Use 'slot' in a sentence Jane's father was a gambler who blew all their money playing the slot machines in Vegas. I read somewhere that there is one slot machine in Las Vegas for every eight inhabitants. There is one slot machine in Las Vegas for every eight people. Writing that does not make use of the sentence modifier, predicate modifier, and insert slots can be decidedly childlike in expression and simplistic in thought. (1) The discussion is based on Robert L. Allen, English Grammars and English Grammar, Scribner's, Scribner's, 1972. Synonym: acedia, laziness, slothfulness, tree sloth. Similar words: slothful, slot, cloth, clothing, loincloth, bedclothes, slop, slow. Meaning: sləʊθ n. A disinclination to work or exert yourself 2. Any of several slow-moving arboreal mammals of South America and Central America; they hang from branches back downward and feed on leaves and fruits 3. Apathy and inactivity in the.

Consider the professor's desk and all the prepositional phrases we can use while talking about it.

You can sit before the desk (or in front of the desk). The professor can sit on the desk (when he's being informal) or behind the desk, and then his feet are under the desk or beneath the desk. He can stand beside the desk (meaning next to the desk), before the desk, between the desk and you, or even on the desk (if he's really strange). If he's clumsy, he can bump into the desk or try to walk through the desk (and stuff would fall off the desk). Passing his hands over the desk or resting his elbows upon the desk, he often looks across the desk and speaks of the desk or concerning the desk as if there were nothing else like the desk. Because he thinks of nothing except the desk, sometimes you wonder about the desk, what's in the desk, what he paid for the desk, and if he could live without the desk. You can walk toward the desk, to the desk, around the desk, by the desk, and even past the desk while he sits at the desk or leans against the desk.
All of this happens, of course, in time: during the class, before the class, until the class, throughout the class, after the class, etc. And the professor can sit there in a bad mood [another adverbial construction].

Those words in bold blue font are all prepositions. Some prepositions do other things besides locate in space or time — 'My brother is like my father.' 'Everyone in the class except me got the answer.' — but nearly all of them modify in one way or another. It is possible for a preposition phrase to act as a noun — 'During a church service is not a good time to discuss picnic plans' or 'In the South Pacific is where I long to be' — but this is seldom appropriate in formal or academic writing.

Click HERE for a list of common prepositions that will be easy to print out.

You may have learned that ending a sentence with a preposition is a serious breach of grammatical etiquette. It doesn't take a grammarian to spot a sentence-ending preposition, so this is an easy rule to get caught up on (!). Although it is often easy to remedy the offending preposition, sometimes it isn't, and repair efforts sometimes result in a clumsy sentence. 'Indicate the book you are quoting from' is not greatly improved with 'Indicate from which book you are quoting.'
Based on shaky historical precedent, the rule itself is a latecomer to the rules of writing. Those who dislike the rule are fond of recalling Churchill's rejoinder: 'That is nonsense up with which I shall not put.' We should also remember the child's complaint: 'What did you bring that book that I don't like to be read to out of up for?'

Is it any wonder that prepositions create such troubles for students for whom English is a second language? We say we are at the hospital to visit a friend who is in the hospital. We lie in bed but on the couch. We watch a film at the theater but on television. For native speakers, these little words present little difficulty, but try to learn another language, any other language, and you will quickly discover that prepositions are troublesome wherever you live and learn. This page contains some interesting (sometimes troublesome) prepositions with brief usage notes. To address all the potential difficulties with prepositions in idiomatic usage would require volumes, and the only way English language learners can begin to master the intricacies of preposition usage is through practice and paying close attention to speech and the written word. Keeping a good dictionary close at hand (to hand?) is an important first step.

Prepositions of Time: at, on, and in

We use at to designate specific times.
The train is due at 12:15 p.m.

We use on to designate days and dates.
My brother is coming on Monday.
We're having a party on the Fourth of July.

We use in for nonspecific times during a day, a month, a season, or a year.
She likes to jog in the morning.
It's too cold in winter to run outside.
He started the job in 1971.
He's going to quit in August.

Prepositions of Place: at, on, and in

We use at for specific addresses.
Grammar English lives at 55 Boretz Road in Durham.

We use on to designate names of streets, avenues, etc.
Her house is on Boretz Road.

And we use in for the names of land-areas (towns, counties, states, countries, and continents).
She lives in Durham.
Durham is in Windham County.
Windham County is in Connecticut.

Prepositions of Location: in, at, and on
and No Preposition

(the) bed*
the bedroom
the car
(the) class*
the library*
the library*
the office
the bed*
the ceiling
the floor
the horse
the plane
the train

* You may sometimes use different prepositions for these locations.

Prepositions of Movement: to
and No Preposition

Use The Word Sow In A Sentence

We use to in order to express movement toward a place.
They were driving to work together.
She's going to the dentist's office this morning.

Toward and towards are also helpful prepositions to express movement. These are simply variant spellings of the same word; use whichever sounds better to you.
We're moving toward the light.
This is a big step towards the project's completion.

With the words home, downtown, uptown, inside, outside, downstairs, upstairs, we use no preposition.
Grandma went upstairs
Grandpa went home.
They both went outside.

Prepositions of Time: for and since

We use for when we measure time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years).
He held his breath for seven minutes.
She's lived there for seven years.
The British and Irish have been quarreling for seven centuries.

We use since with a specific date or time.
He's worked here since 1970.
She's been sitting in the waiting room since two-thirty.

Prepositions with Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs.

Prepositions are sometimes so firmly wedded to other words that they have practically become one word. (In fact, in other languages, such as German, they would have become one word.) This occurs in three categories: nouns, adjectives, and verbs.


approval of
awareness of
belief in
concern for
confusion about
desire for

fondness for
grasp of
hatred of
hope for
interest in
love of

need for
participation in
reason for
respect for
success in
understanding of


afraid of
angry at
aware of
capable of
careless about
familiar with

fond of
happy about
interested in
jealous of
made of
married to

proud of
similar to
sorry for
sure of
tired of
worried about


apologize for
ask about
ask for
belong to
bring up
care for
find out

give up
grow up
look for
look forward to
look up
make up
pay for

prepare for
study for
talk about
think about
trust in
work for
worry about

Use The Word Slot In A Sentence Answers

A combination of verb and preposition is called a phrasal verb. The word that is joined to the verb is then called a particle. Please refer to the brief section we have prepared on phrasal verbs for an explanation.

Idiomatic Expressions with Prepositions

  • agree to a proposal, with a person, on a price, in principle
  • argue about a matter, with a person, for or against a proposition
  • compare to to show likenesses, with to show differences (sometimes similarities)
  • correspond to a thing, with a person
  • differ from an unlike thing, with a person
  • live at an address, in a house or city, on a street, with other people

Unnecessary Prepositions

In everyday speech, we fall into some bad habits, using prepositions where they are not necessary. It would be a good idea to eliminate these words altogether, but we must be especially careful not to use them in formal, academic prose.

  • She met up with the new coach in the hallway.
  • The book fell off of the desk.
  • He threw the book out of the window.
  • She wouldn't let the cat inside of the house. [or use 'in']
  • Where did they go to?
  • Put the lamp in back of the couch. [use 'behind' instead]
  • Where is your college at?

Prepositions in Parallel Form

(Click HERE for a definition and discussion of parallelism.) When two words or phrases are used in parallel and require the same preposition to be idiomatically correct, the preposition does not have to be used twice.
You can wear that outfit in summer and in winter.
The female was both attracted by and distracted by the male's dance.

However, when the idiomatic use of phrases calls for different prepositions, we must be careful not to omit one of them.
The children were interested in and disgusted by the movie.
It was clear that this player could both contribute to and learn from every game he played.
He was fascinated by and enamored of this beguiling woman.

Recognizing Prepositions

Quiz on Prepositions

Use The Word Slot In A Sentence

Prepositions at the Crossword

Prepositions at the Crossword II

Use The Word Slot In A Sentence
Use the word slot in a sentence phrase

Prepositions at the Crossword III

Use The Word Set In A Sentence

Looking for sentences with 'Slot'? Here are some examples.

Synonyms: 1. Aperture 2. Slit 3. Crack 4. Hole 5. Opening 6. Groove 7. Notch 8. Spot 9. Time 10. Period 11. Place 12. Position 13. Niche 14. Space 15. Footprint 16. Window 17. Insert 18. Put 19. Place 20. Fit...21. Slide 22. SlipSee more »
1.The panels slot together to make a compost bin
2.He has a regular slot on the late-night programme
3.Put a coin in the slot
4.Insert the disk into the drive slot
5.I put my money in the slot and pressed the button but nothing came out
6.The curtain hooks run along a slot in the curtain rail
7.Their album has occupied the Number One slot for the past six weeks
8.Alan dropped another quarter into the slot on the pay phone
9.Insert tab A into slot
10.These tubes slot together like this
11.His coins all slotted into the slot machine
12.He dropped a coin into the slot and dialed
13.Do these two pieces slot together?
14.I can slot you in between and
15.He dropped a coin into the slot
16.slot piece A into piece B taking care to keep the two pieces at right angles
17.The legs of the chair are meant to slot into the holes at the back
18.He's been given a regular ten - minute slot on the radio
19.Insert Tab A into slot A and gluesentencedictcom before standing the model upright
20.We should be able to slot the meeting in before lunch
21.You buy this bookcase in sections and slot them together
22.I dropped a quarter into the slot of the pay phone
23.If you put a coin in the slot of this machine stamps come out of another slot
24.Visitors can book a time slot a week or more in advance
25.Can you slot her into a job in the sales department?
26.It is noteworthy that the programme has been shifted from its original August slot to July
27.The slot machines are sold for home use and casino entertainment purpose and for gambling in casino! If you don’t see a slot machine you want please e-mail us as we are constantly updating our slot machine inventory and have over 500 slot machines in stock !
28.WMS Blue Bird 2 Survivor Video Bonus slot $ 1,999.00 $ 1,799.00. WMS BB2 Village People Party Video Bonus $ 1,895.00 $ 1,699.00. Baly Alpha Monte Carlo Bonus Wheel 3 Coin $1 $ 2,795.00 $ 2,495.00. IGT Game King 17″ LCD 34 Enabled Games $ 2,195.00 $ 1,895.00. WMS Blue Bird Jewels of Australia Video Bonus
29.Slots. This page assumes you’ve already read the Components Basics.Read that first if you are new to components. In 2.6.0, we introduced a new unified syntax (the v-slot directive) for named and scoped slots. It replaces the slot and slot-scope attributes, which are now deprecated, but have not been removed and are still documented here.The rationale for introducing the new syntax is
30.To define the slot's content, we include an HTML structure inside the element with a slot attribute whose value is equal to the name of the slot we want it to fill. As before, this can be anything you like, for example: Let's have some different text!
31.The lifespan of slot games has changed in the video slot age. Because the popularity of video games can peak and decline within a matter of months, casino operators who wanted to offer their customers the latest video slots had to spend a lot of time changing their machines one at a time.
32.slot Machines For Sale by Used slot Machine Distributor Used slot Machines has the best Antique slot Machines and Refurbished slot Machines in the industry. View our inventory of slot machines. We offer one of the best warranty’s available with one year warranty on all of our Used slot machines.
33.The slot command can be activated from the sketch dropdown list… or from the right-click sketch menu. Like many of the sketch tools, the slot command is ultimately there to save (keyboard shortcut CMD/CTRL+S) Saves the file that is currently open. you time from having to manually create all of the sketch geometry.
34./useitem [subindex] Please Note: [subitem] is only used if the item is in a bag.Bag slot numbers start at 0, and go up left to right, top to bottom. Here's an easy example to use (i.e. click) your right ring clickie
35.Slot-regulated airports serve almost half of all passengers and are the backbone of the global scheduled airline network. But recovery is impossible while there is no certainty on the rules governing the use and retention of airport slots. The existing slot rules were never designed to cope with a prolonged industry collapse.
36.A large slot has to be cut in the cone which forms the upper part of the polar axis, in order to allow the telescope to be pointed nearer to the pole than would otherwise be possible; even so stars within 15° of the pole cannot be observed. 35 12
37.Using slot feature in NXFor more updates, Visit us: https://Like our facebook page: https:///
38.Slots are a mechanism for Vue components that allows you to compose your components in a way other than the strict parent-child relationship. Slots give you an outlet to place content in new places or make components more generic. The best way to understand them is to see them in action. Let’s start with a simple example:
39.Slot-regulated airports serve almost half of all passengers and are the backbone of the global scheduled airline network. But recovery is impossible while there is no certainty on the rules
40.You can have as many of these components as you like, and the slotted props will remain local to the component where they're declared. Named slots can also have props; use the let directive on an element with a slot=' attribute, instead of on the component itself.
41.Determines whether a slot is obfuscated in conversation logs and stored utterances. When you obfuscate a slot, the value is replaced by the slot name in curly braces ({ }). For example, if the slot name is 'full_name', obfuscated values are replaced with ' { full_name}'. For more information, see slot Obfuscation.
42.What Devices Use The M.2 Slot? At the moment, M.2 is primarily used as an interface for super-fast SSDs, both on laptops and desktops. If you walk into a computer hardware store and ask for an M.2 drive—assuming you can find a retail computer store still in operation, of course—they’ll almost certainly show you an SSD with an M.2 connector.
43.A clear definition for acceptable non-use of a slot. For example, force majeure as a result of short-term border closures or quarantine measures imposed by governments.