Stop Gambling Affirmations

The first step to overcoming an addiction is to admit that you have a problem. When you notice that gambling has become more than just a way to spend some time, and has become compulsive and problematic – then it’s time to do something about it.

The 12 Steps as used in Gamblers Anonymous. The following are the 12 Steps of Gamblers Anonymous, also referred to as GA.Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem. The affirmations linked from this page are very important, they could even be the difference between life and death. If you are serious about overcoming your addiction and use these positive affirmations every day then they really can help you to transform your life. They can stop you from using, lessen your cravings, and strengthen your willpower. Steve Rose, PhD, is an addiction counsellor who assists those struggling with substance abuse, gambling, gaming, and internet addiction. In addition to publishing academic articles on psychotherapeutic treatments, he has experience working in treatment and prevention.

Just like with drugs, people addicted to gambling are unable to stop even when they know that their behavior has become destructive. But it all has roots in your mind: it’s something your brain has adopted as a “must”, thanks to the self-talk that’s been keeping you persuaded that you just can’t help it, that it’s stronger than you.

Fortunately, that’s not really the case, and the same way you have developed this addiction, you can overcome it – by changing this destructive self-talk and making yourself deeply believe that you’re free from it.

These affirmations can help you with that, along with any other recovery program you’re in. Affirmations are simple sentences that you should repeat a few times a day so that your mind starts creating another thought pattern and help you break free from this addiction.

So here are your affirmations to overcome gambling. Pick a few and make sure that, when saying them, you do it like you mean it, with a strong and confident voice, and as if the change that you want to see in you has already taken place. That way your affirmations will be more effective, and you will overcome your gambling addiction more easily and naturally.

Stop Gambling Affirmations On Anger

Present Tense AffirmationsI am free from my gambling addictionI am in control of my impulsesI affirm that I am stronger than my desire to gambleI am a rational and responsible individualI pay attention to my financesI am changing my life and breaking free from gambling addictionI surround myself with people who support me in my intention to stay strong against my desire to gambleI am completely able to overcome the urge to gambleI find no thrill in gamblingI am in full control of my life and my behaviorFuture Tense AffirmationsI am staying strong against my desire to gambleI will devote my time to improving my lifeI am transforming into someone who is responsible and rationalI will take control of my life and my financesI am releasing the need to give in to my impulsesI will look after my health and wellbeingI am in the process of forgiving myself for the things I’ve done while I was addicted to gamblingI will spend my time with people who support and love meI am going to develop a new set of habits to support me in the process of recoveryI am turning into someone who is happy, peaceful and in controlNatural AffirmationsMy impulse to gamble is less and less powerful with each passing dayPeople see me as someone who has successfully overcome gambling addictionMy debt is meltingI am a naturally calm person, fully in control of my impulsesI am using my money to do something worthwhileMy relationships with people around me make me happy and fulfilledA brighter future is waiting for me to create itI am the winner in my lifeI am enjoying the life without gamblingI am free to choose what I want to do with my lifeGamblingOvercome Gambling Addiction audio affirmationsFor the users of only – a 20% discount! The voucher code is FREEAFFONLY 🙂

Other affirmations you might be interested in: Learn To Say No, Self Discipline, Rock Solid Willpower, Self Belief, Self Esteem

Gain control over addictions to gambling, gaming, or substances.

Steve Rose, PhD

Stop Gambling Affirmations Printable

Steve Rose, PhD, is an addiction counsellor who assists those struggling with substance abuse, gambling, gaming, and internet addiction. In addition to publishing academic articles on psychotherapeutic treatments, he has experience working in treatment and prevention.


Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) are widely accepted treatment approaches in the addiction field. When combined, these approaches help individuals overcome mental barriers and increase motivation to move toward valued directions.


Steve Rose explores the latest research into what causes suffering and how we can overcome it. In a world were uncertainty is on the rise, it is more important than ever to make sense of our modern times and learn how to navigate our social world, breaking free of unhealthy behavioral patterns.

The Myth of the Addictive Personality

Regardless of their personality, addiction can affect anyone. Although specific personality characteristics can be correlated with certain types of addiction, the idea of a single…

Underlying Causes of Addiction

The underlying causes of addiction include trauma, unmet needs, or other emotionally painful experiences resulting in the desire to cope in the short-term through substances or behaviors that mask the pain…

What Drives Addiction?

Addiction is driven by neurological changes related to dopamine, the reward center, and the self-regulatory center in the brain. This produces a learned pattern of coping with underlying pain or unmet needs…

7 Ways to Stop Gambling and Save Money

Let go of common gambling fallacies, decide if gambling is really worth it, self-exclude or use a gambling blocker, replace gambling with other activities, identify your gambling triggers…

Do I have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, drugs, or technology?

Are you using alcohol, drugs, or technology as a way to escape from everyday difficulties? Is your use of substances or technology negatively affecting other areas of your life, including relationships, employment, finances, and health? If so, it may be worth re-evaluating your habits.

What is counseling?

Counseling is a collaborative conversation about change, tailored to the unique needs of each individual. It is a non-judgmental process focused on helping a person overcome obstacles by developing strategies focused on addressing unhelpful thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Does internet addiction actually exist?

The World Health Organization classified Gaming Disorder as an official form of addictive behavior that consists of:

  1. The loss of control over one’s gaming.
  2. Gaming taking priority over other areas of life.
  3. Continued use despite negative consequences and impaired functioning in other areas of one’s life.

Am I ready to seek help?

Only you can answer this question. If you've read to this point, it may be an indicator that you're considering some important changes. If you're searching for a neutral non-judgmental person to talk to, counselling is a safe way to gain insight and regain a sense of control.

What are the different forms of addiction?

Addictions come in various forms, including alcohol, drugs, social media use, web-surfing, video gaming, and gambling.

Substance abuse and behavioral addictions can progressively impact several areas of your life, including the ability to focus at school or work, and affect your close relationships.

Are services available in my country?

At the time being, services offered by Steve Rose, PhD are available to Canadian residents online and in person for those residing in the Windsor-Essex area.

Help To Stop Gambling


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Gambling Addiction

For emergencies, please call 911 or visit your nearest hospital immediately.

How To Stop Gambling

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1303 Essex County Rd 22,
Belle River, Ontario, N0R 1A0